Since the hybrid occupation of Belarus in February 2022, which coincided with onset of the war in neighboring Ukraine, the question of how to support the civil society of Belarus and ensure the return of the country to a sovereign, democratic status is ever-more pertinent.

The Belarus Research Network on Neighborhood Policy aims to:

Produce facts-based debate on relevant topics for the development and understanding of Belarus;

Inform local and regional policymakers on key policy issues of importance to Belarus;

Inform a wider audience about the developments in Belarus and ensure that a democratic Belarus remains one of the priorities on the regional agenda;

Establish a network of experts on Belarus across the Nordic and Baltic countries.

This project has been set up for researchers from Belarus to be brought into the regional context, and to ensure equal partnership between Belarusian, Nordic and Baltic research communities.

This project has been organized by a consortium of five partners from Latvia (the Latvian Institute of International Affairs), Denmark (the Danish Foreign Policy Society, the Danish Cultural Institute in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and Beladania Culture Society), and Lithuania (the Center for Belarus and Regional Studies at the European Humanities University).


Beāte Livdanska

Researcher at the Latvian Institute of International Affairs

Charlotte Flindt Pedersen

Executive Director of the Danish Foreign Policy Society

Lizaveta Dubinka-Hushcha

Director of the Danish Cultural Institute in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

Iryna Ramanava

Head of the Centre for Belarus and Regional Studies at the European Humanitarian University

Albīne Hlopņicka

Junior Researcher at the Latvian Institute of International Affairs


Policy Paper no. 2. Four years since the human rights crisis in Belarus: Filling the accountability gap

Analytical Article no. 10. Current trends in the development of the education sector in the Republic of Belarus

Bionthly Review no. 13

Bimonthly Review no. 12

Policy Paper no. 1. The future of Belarus without Lukashenka and Its Implications for the Stability of the Baltic and Nordic regions

Analytical Article no. 9. The long road to the national state of Belarus: How to avoid a submersion in the swamp of the “Russian world”

Bimonthly Review no. 11

Bimonthly Review no. 10

Bimonthly Review no. 9

Analytical Article no. 8. The Battle Against Forced Statelessness of Belarusians

Analytical Article no. 7. “Mind must be painted uniformly”: Teaching History in Belarusian Schools

Analytical Article no. 6. The second “pillar” of the foreign policy of Belarus: Relations with China

Analytical Article no. 5. Exiled, but loyal to people: The Belarusian media struggle

Bimonthly Review no. 8

Bimonthly review no. 7.

Bimonthly Review no. 6.

Bimonthly Review no. 5.

Analytical Article no. 4. The Wagner rebellion that wasn’t. A view from Riga on Lukashenka’s PR victory

Bimonthly Review no.4.

Analytical Article no. 3. Belarus against the post-Soviet empire and dictatorship: Was there a better scenario for us after 2020.

Bimonthly Review no.3.

Bimonthly Review no. 2. October-December 2022

Will the World Save Us?

Belarus. Language, identity, the state, and a farewell to illusions. Interview of Pavel Tereshkovich

Bimonthly Reviews


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